SO Sweet Potato and Andouille Bisque
Sweet Potato and Andouille Bisque
5 Medium sweet potatoes
½ Stick (approximately 1/2 pound) of Andouille sausage, diced
1 Pound butter
2 Cups flour
2 Medium onions (Vidalia where available), diced fine
1 Medium bunch celery, diced fine
2 Medium red bell pepper (no green), diced fine
1 Tablespoon cayenne pepper
2 Quarts heavy cream
1 Gallon (approximately more/less) scalded milk
Fresh grated nutmeg
Salt to taste
Boil 5 medium sweet potatoes until tender. Then peel and purée sweet potatoes. Dice 1/2 stick (approximately 1/2 pound) of Andouille sausage. (Browned and chopped bacon can be substituted if Andouille is unavailable.)
In large stock pot, sauté all vegetables and spices in butter until tender. Add flour and let heat for 2 to 3 minutes but do not brown. Add puréed sweet potatoes and diced Andouille. Stir to mix. Add heavy cream, stirring constantly here forward. Add scalded milk to desired richness. Finish with fresh grated nutmeg across the top of finished bisque. Salt to taste. Credits: Ma Mama's Kitchen.