SD Sweet Potato Wedges Wrapped in Prosciutto

Sweet Potato Wedges Wrapped in Prosciutto


2  Sweet potatoes

4  Ounces prosciutto, trimmed and sliced in half lengthwise

1/4  Cup pure maple syrup

Fresh basil leaves


1. Preheat oven 425 degrees. Coat oblong baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Peel and cut sweet potatoes into wedges (four per potato). In large nonstick skillet, add water to cover sweet potatoes. Bring to boil, cook 8-10 minutes or only until potatoes are firm but cooked. Do not overcook as will fall apart. Drain.

3. Lay basil leaf on potato wedge and wrap with prosciutto. Repeat with all sweet potato wedges. Lay in prepared baking dish.

4. Drizzle with maple syrup, bake 10 minutes or until prosciutto starts to crisp.

Recipes from:  Holly Clegg
The Healthy Cooking Blog


Serving Size: 8 wedges

Cook Time: 25 minutes